Menú Revolución / Revolution Menu
Lionesa de Foie
Foie lionesa
Foie lionesa
Palomita de maiz helada
Frozen popcorn
Frozen popcorn
Consomé de galera y yuzu con tosta de erizo
Mantis shrimp soup and yuzu with sea urchin toast
Mantis shrimp soup and yuzu with sea urchin toast
Nuestra selección de Panes, Aceites y sal
Our selection of Breads, Spanish Olive Oil and Salt
Our selection of Breads, Spanish Olive Oil and Salt
Gamba Alistada de Huelva, algas y moqueca
Red prawn from Huelva, seaweed and moqueca
Red prawn from Huelva, seaweed and moqueca
Guiso de colmenillas con foie y crema de alubias
Morels mushrooms, foie and beans sauce
Morels mushrooms, foie and beans sauce
Aleta de raya al pimentón
Rayfish fin whit paprika sauce
Rayfish fin whit paprika sauce
Rodaballo “Beurre Blanc” y Caviar
Turbot “Beurre Blanc” & Caviar
Turbot “Beurre Blanc” & Caviar
Arroz de pichón madurado con aceitunas negras
Matured pigeon rice and kalamata olives
Matured pigeon rice and kalamata olives
Paletilla de Cabrito Lechal con encurtidos y brotes frescos
Goat shoulder with pickles and tender shoots
Goat shoulder with pickles and tender shoots
Levadura y Aceite de oliva
Sweet Yeast and Olive Oil
Sweet Yeast and Olive Oil
Sorbete de pera, Chocolate y Anisados
Pear, anise and chocolate
Pear, anise and chocolate
Te matcha, chocolate blanco y salmuera
Te matcha, white chocolate and lime curd
Te matcha, white chocolate and lime curd
El Cielo
The Sky
The Sky
115€ (IVA incluido/VAT included)
Maridaje/Pairing 60€ (IVA incluido/VAT included)