ROOFTOP - Hayaca Lunch -
Food by Mauricio Giovanini ROOFTOP - Hayaca Dinner -
Food by Mauricio Giovanini ROOFTOP - Belvue - Drinks &
Cocktails by Diego Cabrera BEACH - Amàre Club - Food &
Amàre Club - Cocktails by
Diego Cabrera POOL & LOUNGE - Amàre Club
FERNANDEZ WINES - Belvue · Hayaca by
Meritxell Falgueras WINES - Mare Nostrum by
Meritxell Falgueras DINNER BUFFET - Mare Nostrum
- Signature Dishes
Food by Mauricio Giovanini ROOFTOP - Hayaca Dinner -
Food by Mauricio Giovanini ROOFTOP - Belvue - Drinks &
Cocktails by Diego Cabrera BEACH - Amàre Club - Food &
Amàre Club - Cocktails by
Diego Cabrera POOL & LOUNGE - Amàre Club
FERNANDEZ WINES - Belvue · Hayaca by
Meritxell Falgueras WINES - Mare Nostrum by
Meritxell Falgueras DINNER BUFFET - Mare Nostrum
- Signature Dishes
Monday · Lunes / Especialidades diarias - Directo desde nuestra cocina a su mesa / Daily specials - Directly from our kitchen and served to your table
Lasaña Mediterránea (Vegetariano)
Mediterranean Lasagna (Vegetarian)

Mediterranean Lasagna (Vegetarian)

Chalotas Glaseadas y Pure de Apio,Nabo a la Vainilla
Glazad shallots and celery puree,vainilla turnip
Glas-Und Puree-Chalotas,rube auf Vanille
Glazad shallots and celery puree,vainilla turnip
Glas-Und Puree-Chalotas,rube auf Vanille
Salmon Teriyaki con mini Verdura
Teriyaki Salmon with mini Vegertables
Lachs Teriyaki Mit Mini-Gemuse
Teriyaki Salmon with mini Vegertables
Lachs Teriyaki Mit Mini-Gemuse
Carrillera de ternera confitada con chalotas glaseadas y puré de apio nabo a la vainilla
Confit beef cheek with glacee shallots and vainilla celeriac puree
Confit beef cheek with glacee shallots and vainilla celeriac puree

Berenjena asada con miso y sésamo - Vegana
Roasted aubergenie with miso and sesame - Vegan
Roasted aubergenie with miso and sesame - Vegan

Canelloni alla ricotta e spinaci - Sin gluten
Spinach & Ricotta canelloni - Gluten free

Spinach & Ricotta canelloni - Gluten free

Tuesday · Martes / Especialidades diarias - Directo desde nuestra cocina a su mesa / Daily specials - Directly from our kitchen and served to your table
Bacalao al pilpil y patata a la guindilla
Cod fillet in pil-pil sauce and chilli potato
Cod fillet in pil-pil sauce and chilli potato

Pizza margarita (Vegana, sin gluten ni lactosa)
Margarita pizza (Vegan, gluten and lactose free)
Margarita pizza (Vegan, gluten and lactose free)

Amare budha bowl - arroz blanco, garbanzos, zanahoria, col lombarda, rábano daikon, pollo y huevo campero
Amare budha bowl - white rice, chickpeas, carrots, red cabbage, daikon radish, chicken and farm egg

Amare budha bowl - white rice, chickpeas, carrots, red cabbage, daikon radish, chicken and farm egg

Croquetas veganas de setas Shiitake
Vegan Shiitake mushrooms croquettes
Vegan Shiitake mushrooms croquettes

Zanahoria ,Col,Lombarda,Rabano Daikon
Carrot red Cabbage Daikon Radish
Karotte,Col,Lombarda,Rabano Daikon
Carrot red Cabbage Daikon Radish
Karotte,Col,Lombarda,Rabano Daikon
Muslo de Pato Confitado con Frutos Rojos
Entenschenkel Confit Mit Roten Fruchten
Entenschenkel Confit Mit Roten Fruchten
Wednesday · Miércoles / Especialidades diarias - Directo desde nuestra cocina a su mesa / Daily specials - Directly from our kitchen and served to your table
Tataki de atún Amàre
Amare tuna tataki

Amare tuna tataki

Lasaña Il Bosco con setas
Il Bosco lasagne with mushrooms
Il Bosco lasagne with mushrooms

Pollo vegano con hierbas mediterráneas, hummus de guisantes, edamame y limón
Vegan chicken with mediterranean herbs, peas hummus, edamame y lemon
Vegan chicken with mediterranean herbs, peas hummus, edamame y lemon

Carrillera de Cerdo Glaseada con Pure de patatas
Glazed pork cheek with mashed potatoes
Glasierte Schweinefleisch Carrillere mit Kartoffel Rein
Glazed pork cheek with mashed potatoes
Glasierte Schweinefleisch Carrillere mit Kartoffel Rein
Hummus de Guisante,Edanane y Limon
Pea,Edanane and Lemon Hummus
Guisante,Edanane und Limon Hummus
Pea,Edanane and Lemon Hummus
Guisante,Edanane und Limon Hummus
Caserrecce con Pesto (Sin Gluten)
Casarecce with pesto(Gluten Free)
Caserrecce Mit Pesto(Gluten-Free)
Casarecce with pesto(Gluten Free)
Caserrecce Mit Pesto(Gluten-Free)
Thursday · Jueves / Especialidades diarias - Directo desde nuestra cocina a su mesa / Daily specials - Directly from our kitchen and served to your table
Healthy green wrap - wrap de espinacas con esparragos, aguacate, rúcula, canónigos, mozzarella y pesto fresco al limón
Healthy green wrap - spinach wrap with sparagus, avocado, rocket leaves, canons, mozzarella and fresh lemon pesto
Healthy green wrap - spinach wrap with sparagus, avocado, rocket leaves, canons, mozzarella and fresh lemon pesto

Mini codillo de cerdo a la naranja con hojas de salvia fresca, acompañado de batata
Pork mini knuckle, grated with orange skin, fresh salvia leaves, served with sweet potato
Pork mini knuckle, grated with orange skin, fresh salvia leaves, served with sweet potato

Lasaña de carne - Sin gluten
Meat lasagne - Gluten free

Meat lasagne - Gluten free

Hamburguesa vegana de champiñón y chía acompañada con champiñones aguacate, tomatitos y canónigos
Vegan mushroom and chia burguer served with mushrooms, avocado, cherry tomatoes and canons
Vegan mushroom and chia burguer served with mushrooms, avocado, cherry tomatoes and canons

Mozzarella y Pesto Fresco al Limon
Mozzarella and Fresh Lemon Pesto
Mozzarella Und Frisches Pesto zu Zitrone
Mozzarella and Fresh Lemon Pesto
Mozzarella Und Frisches Pesto zu Zitrone
Friday · Viernes / Especialidades diarias - Directo desde nuestra cocina a su mesa / Daily specials - Directly from our kitchen and served to your table
Tempura de langostinos y vegetales frescos
Prawn tempura and fresh vegetables
Prawn tempura and fresh vegetables

Salmón teriyaki con mini verduritas
Teriyaki salmon with mini vegetables
Teriyaki salmon with mini vegetables

Pad Thai de pollo vegano, verduras y anacardos
Vegan chicken Pad Thai, vegetables and cashew

Vegan chicken Pad Thai, vegetables and cashew

Calabaza y Patata
Pumpkin and Potato
Kurbis und Kartoffel
Pumpkin and Potato
Kurbis und Kartoffel
Pizza Margarita (Sin Gluten,Vegana,sin lactosa)
Margarita Pizza,Sin Gluten,Vegan,Laktose
Margarita Pizza(Gluten Free,Vegan,Lactose Free)
Margarita Pizza,Sin Gluten,Vegan,Laktose
Margarita Pizza(Gluten Free,Vegan,Lactose Free)
Saturday · Sábado / Especialidades diarias - Directo desde nuestra cocina a su mesa / Daily specials - Directly from our kitchen and served to your table
Ossobuco de cerdo glaseado con puré de patata
Glaced pork ossobuco served mashed potato
Glaced pork ossobuco served mashed potato

Canelloni a la ricotta e spinaci - Sin gluten
Spinach and Ricotta canelloni - Gluten Free

Spinach and Ricotta canelloni - Gluten Free

Poke bowl (pollo o salmón marinado) arroz integral, quinoa, aguacate, edamame, cebollino, rábano, piña y algas
Poke bowl (chicken or marinated salmon) brown rice, quinoa, avocado, edamame, chive, radish and seaweed

Poke bowl (chicken or marinated salmon) brown rice, quinoa, avocado, edamame, chive, radish and seaweed

Canelloni a la ricotta e spinaci (Sin gluten)
Spinach and ricotta canelloni (Gluten free)

Spinach and ricotta canelloni (Gluten free)

Summer Fritada Wiht Fresh Garden Herbs
Summer Frittata with Fresh Garden Herbs
Summer Fita Mit Frische Garten Krauter
Summer Frittata with Fresh Garden Herbs
Summer Fita Mit Frische Garten Krauter
Tataki de Atun Amare
Tuna Amare Tataki
Tataki de Atun
Tuna Amare Tataki
Tataki de Atun
Arroz Integral,Quinoa,Aguacate,Edamame
Brown Rice,Quinoa,Avocado;Edamame
Umfassender Reis,Quinoa,Avocado,Edamame
Brown Rice,Quinoa,Avocado;Edamame
Umfassender Reis,Quinoa,Avocado,Edamame
Sunday · Domingo / Especialidades diarias - Directo desde nuestra cocina a su mesa / Daily specials - Directly from our kitchen and served to your table
Lasaña de carne rustida picante
Spicy meat lasagne
Spicy meat lasagne

Tofu al teriyaki con quinoa real y verduritas frescas
Teriyaki tofu with quinoa and fresh vegetables
Teriyaki tofu with quinoa and fresh vegetables

Lasaña de ternera (Sin gluten)
Beef lasagne (gluten free)

Beef lasagne (gluten free)

Rodaballo Mariniere a la vainilla
Turbot Mariniere with Vainilla
Rodaballo Mariniere Zu Vanile
Turbot Mariniere with Vainilla
Rodaballo Mariniere Zu Vanile
Postres / Desserts / Veganos y sin gluten / Vegan and gluten free
Fondant de chocolate vegano con helado de vainilla de Madagascar
Vegan chocolate fondant with Madagascar vainilla ice cream
Vegan chocolate fondant with Madagascar vainilla ice cream

Coulant de praliné sin gluten con helado de vainilla bio (sin gluten)
Gluten free praline coulant with gluten free bio vainilla ice cream
Gluten free praline coulant with gluten free bio vainilla ice cream

Helado de vainilla de Madagascar vegano (sin gluten)
Vegan Madagascar vainilla ice cream (gluten free)
Vegan Madagascar vainilla ice cream (gluten free)
Helado de Vainilla de Madagascar Vegano
Vegan Madagascar Vanilla Ice Cream
Veganer Madagaskar-Vanilleeis
Vegan Madagascar Vanilla Ice Cream
Veganer Madagaskar-Vanilleeis
Mare Nostrum has a wide variety of different dishes everyday of the week. Spoil yourself and dare to try it! // Mare Nostrum tiene una amplia variedad de diferentes platos para cada día de la semana. ¡Mímate y atrévete a probarlos!
Gluten free